Welcome to our bookstore. You will find a collection of Claudia’s works and any additional information on upcoming books and other events. There will also be a cornucopia of information for those who are searching for Christian publishers and book reviewers. You can also find poetry here. Again, welcome.

Faithwalkers is a book giving examples of how to do effective warfare in the desert of your mind. Different environments require different tactics when engaging the enemy. You must be able to discern the environment in order to be effective in battle. Your mind is one of the most dangerous battlefields on the earth. It can contain such genius and intellectual brilliance and yet be so very fragile; susceptible to all sorts of physical and psychological diseases. One must know what strategies to use in order to sustain spiritual and mental stamina. And can now be purchased at Amazon and GoodReads.

My second book, ‘Where In Oz is the Church?’ is a book that helps to discover how what we say impacts the outcome of our lives. And the strategies to change the negative mindsets. The book gives you six different examples of how we perceive ourselves—why and how to remedy those issues by making the right choices. Despite what we think we don’t have to get us through daily battles. And how greater faith grows from the things we think we don’t have or are not, as a result of these applications. Is available at Amazon.

My first book is a book of poems that interrelate with how we display our feelings. And the different facets of emotions we exemplify and deliberate; as we deal with daily trials and life-altering issues. Or how we dissolve into ourselves as things go out of control. And examples of how to deal with these feelings through the experiences of others. We can all find viable solutions through faith, prayer, and trust in God. Can be purchased at blurb.com.

Each book contains the same foundational purpose of strength where weakness abides, faith where hopelessness resides, and wisdom where there is no understanding of the inexplicable. This purpose is built upon a Truth this writer hopes will amalgamate all of your hurts and questions into spiritual revelations, gifts, and talents. For everyone that reads the books and nuggets of knowledge interwoven in this website. With this writer’s prayer of helping to place their feet on a path to their true destiny.

Writer’s Update: I finally finished editing Understanding The Seasons of Your Destiny. Am transposing to an e-book. Hope to have it ready soon. Will keep you all abreast.

Thank you for your readership and continued support it means so much to me. Blessings and Peace.

© Rhema International. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission, from this blog’s author and/or owner, is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Rhema International.

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