Serena et Eterna (photo by Zu Sanchez)

Originally posted on mitch teemley.

My Featured Blogger this week is Mitch Teemley of Mitch Teemley | The Power of Story.

We live in an uncertain era. In times like this I’m tempted to shout, “Why, Lord?” But then I think of our little cat Misha’s reaction after we’ve give her yet another dreaded ear mite treatment. What does she do? She turns to us for comfort! Why? Because she trusts us. She doesn’t understand why we do what we do, but she knows we love her. So she trusts us. Period. End of story. Amen.

Now, I don’t mean to make insulting comparisons (sorry, Misha), because frankly her understanding of our will is infinitely closer than our understanding of God’s will. So, note to self: You say you don’t understand what God is doing? Well, duh! How else could it be? I don’t know what God is up to in this crazy COVID era, but I do know He loves us. So I trust him. Period. End of story. Amen.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do and he will show you which path to take.” ~Proverbs 3:5-6

Mitch Teemley is the writer, director, and producer of the award-winning drama “Healing River,” that was just released last week. He also wrote six songs for the film. The “Healing River” (Over-the-Rhine) can be seen on Amazon Prime.

Mr. Teemley thank you for your contribution today and for pushing me when you didn’t have to. Thank you so much. Blessings and Peace to you and your family.


      • How blessed it is that you feel that way. There are so many people who will not admit because they refuse to submit. My belief is that when the Lord returns giving out gifts of glory of youth, healings and everlasting life, those same people will be the first in line.😞🙏


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